
Creative process: pixel art

- the process of expressing Saturn's lifeless eyes in pixel art: - expressing Titan's wig:

Creative process - László Moholy-Nagy poster (2024)

  aims: created a Bauhaus style poster about László Moholy-Nagy's child experience. László Moholy-Nagy: use photos in his poster a Bauhaus designer was the middle child (total 3 sons in his family) his family was abandoned by his father Design Concept: Grey circles: represent László's brothers colours are picked from László's hair & skin: suggest their similarities show they are closely relevant one is higher, one is lower than László: implies László was the middle child in his family White circle:  represents his mother (look large and the highest among her children) Legs: His father Black circle:  suggests he is the father by using the colour relationship between white (represent mom) & black Leaving pose + Radiation lines:  suggest his movement - leaving the house door (family)

Creative process - Memorial for New Horizons (2024)

  Brainstorming: Draft 1: - cancelled, because TouchDesigner is not supposed to make animation with a linear storyline. Draft 2: - cancelled, because two windows seem not related.  - did not look interesting enough. - could not tell the concept well. Draft 3: Draft 4 (Final): Final concept of the artwork:  Memorial for New Horizons and Clyde Tombaugh. Making process: